Hypothetical Tsunamis Wikia

The 2021 Los Angeles Mega-Tsunami was the worst natural disaster in the history of the United States. Triggered by a massive unknown underwater volcano near Hawaii, the tsunami was eighty feet in height upon making landfall in southwestern California on April 1, 2021. Catastrophic destruction and flooding resulted, with nearly ninety-five percent of downtown Los Angeles was somehow affected, with surrounding communities suffering similar fates, though some were to a lesser degree. ==Background== 2 years earlier southern California has been hit hard with a change not only in. Demographic shiftiness but in people's mindset about a secret element of a sense that only a certain demographic have , and only a certain predisposed amount has a strong control over this. While in sunny California a new breed of savvy shoppers and big bucks tycoons dwell and enjoy the offering of this furtile land . Not understanding the time line that this land is cursed apoun .

you see the TSUNAMI DESCRIBED OR MANIFESTED MIGHT ACTUALLY BE A METAPHOR TO A TSUNAMI OF A ORDER THAT WILL SOON START WTH THE SOUTHERN CALI REGION in order to understand why this tsunami happened we have to go back to its origination and how this all plays a a part with southern California and its golden gates of opportunit 1




